Leveraging the Power of a Keynote Speaker for Your Career Advancement

Brandi P. Sheffield
10 min readDec 6, 2021

On Dec 13th we are hosting a summit: She Believed So She Did! Supporting Women to Accelerate Their Careers. This summit is about conviction and confidence with skills to go out and get the job you deserve in 2022! In order to do that, you have to be ready to step into TRUE leadership. We can not be followers of what others do. WE have to learn and internalize, for ourselves, how to shine our authentic truths about our leadership. Otherwise, you just blend in. Nothing sets you apart from the other people going after the same job. But that is exactly it, it is imperative that we position where others champion and ambassador your leadership so that the organizations are coming to you, to lead for them.

Let me tell you I am so excited to bring you all of this wealth of content in the summit. I really wish I had the same information over my 15 years of career advancement as I accelerated up the leadership ladder into the C-suite. I would have felt so much more supported and known what to do and how to handle situations and how to have it accelerated faster with the wealth of information that’s going to be available to you for free in the summit. We have a great opportunity that we are providing in the summit. The Summit is completely free. In addition, we are offering a one-time purchase of a lifetime access to the summit where you will always have access to all of the Keynotes, the expert panelists, the tasks and resources that they provide to use for years to come; every time you have a career transition. All purchases of the lifetime access will be donated to the Women’s Shelter of Long Beach to support women of domestic abuse to help reimagine their lives. For everyone who participates in this pre-engagement Summit and partakes in the high-value career actions that I will be providing at the end of each of these live sessions, if you submit all five of the career actions, I will provide you with lifetime access for free and I will donate the cost of a lifetime access on your behalf to the Women’s Shelter of Long Beach. See the link in the comments below for submitting your responses to each daily Career action task and I really hope you take advantage of the opportunity to get prepared with real action steps and high-value impact to start the process and trajectory of your career advancement.

There are two reasons why right now is the right time to start getting yourself ready and prepared to take that next bold leap in your career advancement. The first is it’s quarter 4 and in quarter 4 all organizations are doing the exact same thing. They are reorganizing the companies, starting the final evaluation processes on their teams and they are preparing to send out and publish open opportunities and job positions for the new year. As a year closes companies or organizations are in their evaluation phases to realign their staff and personnel towards their goals and their outcomes. The second reason why this is the best and the right time is because we are experiencing something new in the world called The Great Resignation and that is a wealth of people who are actually leaving the formal workspace and starting entrepreneurship. While that is a great opportunity for so many people, there are lots of people who that is not the right opportunity for. So, for those of us who are not moving towards entrepreneurship but seeking greater influence and impact in our career by promotion of our job rows, the opportunities are opening even wider and at a faster rate because of how many people are leaving the formal corporate company business organizations to start their own. So the opportunity gap is prime and ready for you to jump in for 2022.

In this pre-engagement Summit we’re going to be doing over the next five days, I’m going to be giving you some high-impact next steps which are a preview of the content topics that are within the summit that starts on December 13th. The Summit is organized for the whole woman, the whole female leader and the entire presence of our mind, our spirit, our souls and our skill sets to thwart the biases and challenges that we face as women as we accelerate in our careers.

The Summit is organized into three categories: the mind-body wellness, career acceleration, a transitional strategy not gimmicks of career acceleration, and regenerative and sustaining actions for career acceleration. In the summit that is launching December 13th, there are two powerhouse keynote speakers I’m going to be telling you about shortly. In addition, there are 15 expert panelists who will be presenting high-level, value-packed next action step strategies within any of those three buckets to support us as women in our career advancement. Over these next five days I’m going to be giving you a little preview and snippet of what you can expect in the summit.

This is not a pre-engagement summit to just inspire you or give you some general information. This pre-engagement of the Summit is designed to give you real high-value career action next steps that you can start taking every day over the next five days in preparation to maximize the summit that begins December 13th as well as start preparing for the real work of career advancement. Over these next five days you are going to be introduced to 15 different topics that fall under one of those three categories we talked about that will all help you to identify where best to lean in the actual summit. Because there is such a wealth of information, we want to make sure that you have the opportunity to maximize the most of it so there will be an agenda produced and prepared for you bucket it under the 3 columns with a recommendation of a pathway and a create your own pathway so at the end of this five-day pre-engagement summit you’ll be well prepped & primed to understand where you want to lean in more during the summit and focus in on those presentations. I don’t believe in fluff or just filling space. Our time is far too valuable. When we spend our time, we want to get something back for it. Starting today, I am providing you with strategic career actions to take at the end of each pre-summit presentation. Your self investment of time to complete these actions will set you apart and provide you with concrete next action steps. In addition, I honor people who truly show up, show up well prepared and with a focus and hunger to self-actualize their goals. I have created an opportunity to give you direct feedback on your career action tasks. Anyone who submits all 5 days of the career actions, demonstrating a commitment to self-investment for growth, I will provide you with LIFETIME ACCESS to the summit. This then allows you to not only have all of the keynotes and expert panelist presentations and resources forever, but also to use them and keep coming back to them every time you have a new need for all of your future career steps. This is such a powerful gift because we know that with the busyness of life and its demands, we can forget what we learned and need a refresher, can’t find or understand our own notes sometimes, or get so full and high with the information download, that having the resources allows us to pace the learning in right bite size just for you. Use the link in the caption or comments to take advantage of investing in yourself.

Today we’re going to focus on the power of a keynote and really understand how to lean in and Leverage the expertise that these two keynote speakers are going to be providing.

Our First Keynote is Dr. Mia Settles-Tidwell, Vice President of Inclusive Excellence and the University Diversity Officer of California State Sacramento University. Doctor Mia has put together such a profound, targeted and clear realness of the obstacles that we face as women in career advancement. Let me tell you, after interviewing her for the Keynote I was blown away by the depth of knowledge and insight that she was so willing to share and give to each of you. It is invaluable information from a woman who has navigated this work for 25-30 years to be at one of the highest ranking positions within a university, overseeing five very large paintings and the full university community.

Our second keynote is Senela Jayasuriya. Senela is what I call the best hidden corporate connector. I’m next to Senela in a clubhouse conversation where you can find her hosting Women Empowered Global and the 1 million Women Empower Clubhouse Rooms. It was here where I learned how influential and well-connected selling that is in the corporate world with top-level Fortune 500 lead globally. As an example on the first Clubhouse I participated in with her she also had a strong relationship fellow presenters like the President of EA Sports, a high-ranking leader of Google, and about 15 other high-powered leadership positions of many corporate industries and professions. I then came to learn that she’s also worked with the likes of Vice President Kamala Harris. Senela brings a very unique perspective on both the challenges and the advantages for women celebrating in their career. And again Senela’s Keynote will provide you with a level of clarity, a new insight that likely you have not experienced before as she has taken the burns and the bruises but excelled to become this great, hidden corporate connector behind the scenes.

So let’s think about this why do people have keynote speakers and why might we have a keynote speaker for a virtual summit. Well when we think about what keynote speakers bring, they have achieved the success that we all desire. They have figured out the code and are willing to teach others to do the same. We all know that they’re no different than us. But they figured out how not to let their life obstacles impede the Chief achievement of their goals. Given the opportunity to maximize your time in front of powerful keynote speakers, what would you ask them? What would you want to walk away with understanding and knowing better for yourself that can be gleaned from their experience and expertise? By being able to identify your question for engagement this is the first step to uncovering your mental or environmental blocks in your career advancement. I’d like to invite you to share your voice now as you are thinking about what questions you would ask a keynote that you would want to glean from them to better understand how to recreate or emulate or improve your own experience and sustainability in career advancement. I invite you to put that question into the chat now and let’s just see what you were thinking about. Again, I don’t want to be talking at you. This is where we get to learn and know each other so go ahead and place your comment in the chat and after you’re done with that use your workbook to keep brainstorming and keep brain dumping all of the questions that you could come up with. And don’t limit yourself. All of us will start at the surface level. You might ask questions like how did you first get there and what’s the job environment like. But go deeper. We have had the same experiences and challenges and roadblocks that likely you experience as well. Would you be willing to ask them “Did your husband support you along the way? If not, how did you navigate that.” Or? I know if there are so many women, myself included, who had to also navigate the lack of support in the home. Might you also ask them about their own well-being and healthiness? Maybe have they experienced any trauma in their past that was a roadblock for them as they were advancing their career and how they got over it? Would you be willing to be so bold to ask those types of questions in order to get you prepared to be in the place where you want to be? I really hope so because that is the first step to creating a true path to your unique pathway of career advancement. That process is not the same for all of us. We all experienced a lot of the same diocese traumas hold-ups and setbacks, but we don’t all internalize and manifest them the same so being bold enough to ask the question and hear another perspective is always a key foundational step for us all.

Here is the full activity in the workbook.

  • Define and envision your next career step. What is your role? Who do you influence? What is the impact you produce in this role?
  • What are the potential challenges or barrier you see to getting the job role?
  • If you were to land the role, what are the potential challenges or barriers that you might face in the job position?
  • Now, what are most high leverage questions you would ask the keynotes to help give you insight into overcoming those challenges and barriers?

As we come to a close on today’s session, I want to invite you to start the real transformation for which begins with accountability. Use the link in the comments below and summit your responses. I want to highly encourage you to submit your responses by video using Loom and providing the hyperlink. All of your transformation starts from what comes out of your mouth and how you articulate and present yourself. By taking this first career action step, you would have put yourself at 5 times the growth rate for success than those who wont take this step. So don’t worry about “how you look or sound”. Don’t do that thing we do when we say, “I hate seeing myself on camera”, or “I hate the way I sound.” That is self sabotage, because guess what, we look and sound like this everyday! The purpose of using video to send your submissions is to begin practicing how you will show up when you actually go for that advanced career position.

Now, if you simply don’t want to, there is no pressure, you can simply type in your responses and submit them also.

And as a reminder, anyone who makes the full investment of time and effort to complete all 5 career actions each day, and submit them daily, will be given FREE FULL LIFE TIME ACCESS to the summit which begins on December 13th. We will make the donation to The Women’s Shelter of Long Beach on your behalf!

Until then my friends….be well.

If Dec 13th has passed, visit our FB Group here to watch the replays of the Pre-Summit: Career Actions Now and download the workbook! Use this link to submit your career action exercises and get real feedback on your submissions. Finally, join the summit today and learn the high value and impact skills to advance your career today! The summit is available Dec 13–15. If you are interested in attending, join our FB group to be notified of the next high impact value summit.



Brandi P. Sheffield

CEO @ Learning Associates | Teaching educational leaders the 3 COMPETENCIES often hidden in plain sight that GET RESULTS in student achievement.